ライブ!/ Shows!
May and June shows are up! Check them out!
St.Clair is very pleased to announce our new bassist, Hideo Noda! Please give him a warm welcome!
Red Bull Live on the RoadにSt.Clairが参加中!投票(1日1回)、コメント、動画再生、ツイート(1日1回)、いいね!をして、応援よろしくお願いします!
St.Clair entered a contest called “Red Bull Live on the Road.” Go to the link below, vote for them (one vote per day), comment on their page, watch the video, tweet (one tweet per day) and like their page through facebook! Please give them your support!
Tokyo Departure House(3月号)に、St.Clairが出演したBoxholicPatientのライブレポートが掲載されました!
St.Clair is featured on the March issue of Tokyo Departure House!
Tokyo Departure House(2月号)に、St.Clairの企画PARTY ROCK Vol.2のライブレポートが掲載されました!それに加え、Alcohol Gypsyという、お酒にまつわるエピソード話を語るページにも、St.Clairがピックアップされました!
St.Clair presents PARTY ROCK VOL.2 , as well as an interview with St.Clair chatting about alcohol, are featured on the February issue of Tokyo Departure House!
A big thank you to all the people that came to PARTY ROCK Vol.2! The photos are up on facebook! Check them out!
There will be a tequilla girl at the night of PARTY ROCK Vol.2! Including an all you can drink menu! Now it’s definitely going to be a party!
St.Clair wristbands will be on sale starting PARTY ROCK Vol.2! Girls who come to the show on that day, will receive a free wristband! Don’t miss it!
St.Clair’s PARTY ROCK VOL.2 flyer is advertised on the December issue of Tokyo Departure House!
The lineup for St.Clair presents PARTY ROCK vol.2 “Behind Closed Doors” revealed!
The final band that will play at PARTY ROCK vol.2!
One of the bands that will play at PARTY ROCK vol.2! One more band left to introduce!
One of the bands that will play at PARTY ROCK vol.2! Who’s next?!
St.Clair presents PARTY ROCK VOL.2! The show will be held on Dec.29th at a venue called Shinjuku Head Power! It will definitely be a night to remember! Reserve your tickets now!